Dielectric constant meter Model 871

- 概要
- 特徴
- 仕様
- 導入事例事例
With the new Model 871 the measurement of dielectric constants has been very easy. Insert the probe in the liquid to been measured, adjust the two controls on the front of panel and read the display. The Model 871 can accurately measure in low and high dielectric solvents, including mixtures.
- 特徴
- Measurement of the dielectric constant from water to non-polar solvents
- Range 1~20, Range 1~200
- Very useful for the Mixtures
- Improvement for the calculation of Zeta Potential
- High accuracy: ±2% (CRC Hand book)
- Simple to use
- Simple to clean with open structure of the probe
- Calibration with a liquid of known dielectric constant
Temperature dependence of dielectric constant
Reference:CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 73rd Edition, Boca Raton,1992
- 仕様
- 導入事例
- Various liquid solvents
- Monomer
- Polymer solution
- Oils
- Alcohols
- Fragrance
- Parameter for zeta potential measurement
- Others